Use POWER START For More Purposeful and Effective Meetings

Use POWER START For More Purposeful and Effective Meetings
Use POWER START For More Purposeful and Effective Meetings

The POWER acronym stands for:

  • Purpose — What is the overall purpose of the meeting? Why are the participants gathered together for this purpose?
  • Outcome — What are the desired outcomes? What will we achieve during our time together?
  • What’s in it for them — Why are the invitees invited? What will their participation achieve in service of the purpose and their own needs?
  • Engagement — How will you prepare the participants before the meeting? How will you engage and keep them engaged during the session? How will you follow up on what is discussed and agreed?
  • Roles & Responsibilities — Who will lead the session? Do you need a timekeeper and someone to capture outputs? What role do you expect your participants to play?

This blog was originally published at



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